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See who picks the winners in your favorite sports games!

A group of individuals on a sports field are wearing green vests over red attire. One person is holding a tablet and seems to be discussing or showing something to the others. The atmosphere suggests a sports event, likely soccer, indicated by their clothing and the setting. The background is a grassy field.
A group of individuals on a sports field are wearing green vests over red attire. One person is holding a tablet and seems to be discussing or showing something to the others. The atmosphere suggests a sports event, likely soccer, indicated by their clothing and the setting. The background is a grassy field.
A group of athletes is competing in a hurdle race on a track. Each runner is captured mid-air as they leap over barriers in a stadium setting. The background includes red stadium seating and various banners. The athletes wear numbered jerseys and running shoes.
A group of athletes is competing in a hurdle race on a track. Each runner is captured mid-air as they leap over barriers in a stadium setting. The background includes red stadium seating and various banners. The athletes wear numbered jerseys and running shoes.
A hand holding a smartphone captures a live view of a soccer stadium filled with fans and players on the field. The image on the smartphone screen is crisp, showing a wide-angle view of the game in action.
A hand holding a smartphone captures a live view of a soccer stadium filled with fans and players on the field. The image on the smartphone screen is crisp, showing a wide-angle view of the game in action.
Players engage in a competitive soccer game on a field while others are seated on the bench watching attentively. The action is taking place in front of a wooden structure displaying multiple advertisements, including orthodontics, lacrosse, and field hockey.
Players engage in a competitive soccer game on a field while others are seated on the bench watching attentively. The action is taking place in front of a wooden structure displaying multiple advertisements, including orthodontics, lacrosse, and field hockey.